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Public / datacenter administrators

Accueil » datacenter administrators

Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

  • 16 mars 2022

Module 1: Identity services in Windows Server Description This module introduces identity services and describes Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a Windows Server environment The module describes how to deploy domain controllers in AD DS, as well as Azure Active Directory (AD) and the benefits of integrating Azure AD with AD DS The […]

Microsoft 365 Security Administration

  • 6 janvier 2022

Module 1: User and Group Management Description This module explains how to manage user accounts and groups in Microsoft 365. It introduces you to the Zero Trust concept as well as authentication. The module sets the foundation for the remainder of the course. Lessons Identity and Access Management concepts The Zero Trust model Plan your […]


  • 16 mars 2016

Introduction  Les problématiques actuelles  Les solutions de déploiement  La solution des conteneurs  Présentation de Docker  Les avantages d’utiliser Docker  Les concepts de Docker Installation   Les contraintes   L’installation sur Linux Ubuntu   L’installation sur Windows Les commandes Docker Les conteneurs   Les conteneurs Dockers   Les avantages des conteneurs   Conteneurs vs machines virtuelles   […]

Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012

  • 16 mars 2015

Module 1: Introduction to the Private Cloud Lessons Overview of the Cloud Computing Model Requirements for the Private Cloud Operating a Private Cloud Infrastructure with System Center Maintaining the Health of the Private Cloud Integrating System Center Components Verifying the Compliance of the Private Cloud Infrastructure Lab : Verifying the Private Cloud Infrastructure Verifying the […]