Volere Requirements Gathering
Key Principles & Concepts
- Business analysis.
- Requirements management.
- Document management strategies.
- Structure of business requirement documentation.
- Types of project users and their characteristics.
- The value of creating a requirements management plan.
- The elements in a generic requirements management plan.
- Project Lifecycle and Systems Development Lifecycle.
- Concepts, tools & techniques for analysts.
Types of Requirements and Requirements Discovery
- Attributes and types of effective requirements.
- Effective versus poor requirements.
- The types of requirements.
- Requirements in the development process.
- Advantages & disadvantages of discovery techniques.
- Using discovery techniques on a project architecture.
- Gathering and Structuring Requirements.
- Techniques used to gather & structure types of requirements.
- Interviews.
- Questionnaires.
- Workgroup / JAD sessions.
- Surveys and observations.
- Use cases for gathering/documenting requirements.
- Data/Process/Workflow modeling.
- Validating User Requirements.
- Reasons for validating requirements & methods used.
Documenting User Requirements
- Developing appropriate documentation.
- Using requirements for informative communication.
- Transforming requirements into specifications.
- Differences between requirements/specifications architecture.
- Techniques for transformation.
- Using requirements as foundation for development.
Managing Requirements
- Understanding the requirements management life cycles .
- Identify, categorize and assess stakeholders.
- Create a communication plan.
- Understand risk factors.
- Common requirements issues that lead to project challenges.
- Traceability and global requirements mapping.
- Identify multiple views & global requirements.
- Understand how to review documentation standards.
- Select tools and techniques for specific types of projects.
- Evaluate a policy for project needs.
- Understand acceptance criteria and project test results.