SAP BO WebIntelligence BI4.2 Information Design Tools vs Universe Designer
Introduction to IDT
- DataFondation single source concepts
- DataFondation multi sources concepts
Creating a project
- Sharing and synchronising a local project
- Creating a connexion
Creating a DataFondation and a Business Layer
- Define relationships (joins) between tables
- Multi-Source Data Foundations
- Detect and resolve Loops (aliases and contexts)
- Create Calculated Columns
- Create Derived tables
- Define Parameters and Lists of Values
- Create multiple views of the data structure
- Add all the required folders and objects
- Test Objects by creating Business Layer Queries
- Publish the Business Layer to the repository
Access Restrictions
Maintaing universes
Differences between IDT universes and UDT universes
- UDT to IDT Workflow Comparison
- Nommenclature
- New features in IDT
Migration of a .unv to a .unx