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AiU® Certified Tester in Artificial Intelligence

Accueil » Formations » AiU® Certified Tester in Artificial Intelligence

The course is providing a good introduction and overview of artificial intelligence methods used nowadays, starting from basic definitions to the different forms of AI model testing, online as well as offline. The particularities of risks, quality attributes and strategies for testing AI applications are outlined. In the last part it is demonstrated how AI is making testing tools smarter. Following this course will lead to a broad understanding of the topic.

1500 € HT 3 jours CTAI


The course is structured according to the AiU Certified Tester in AI syllabus (see This way you can relate the topics covered in the course to the syllabus.

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: introducing artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).
  • Overview of testing AI systems: off-line and online testing of AI applications, data preparation and pre-processing (outlier detection, dimension reduction), imputation and visualization
  • Metrics for supervised (Accuracy, Precision, Recall/sensitivity, Specificity and F1-score) and unsupervised learning (Inertia and Rand score, Support, Confidence and Lift metrics) to find the best AI model
  • Explainable AI: examination and evaluation of complex (DL models) models by varying input variables and observing variations in outcomes while constructing a simple interpretable model
  • Risks and test strategy for AI systems
  • AI in testing: application of AI in the test process itself, smart dashboards and test automation tools

Formation(s) conseillée(s)


2690 € HT
4 jours
Maitriser le langage Python et apprendre les bonnes pratiques de développement.

Java : Les bases

2250 € HT
5 jours
Programmer en Java et maîtriser ses concepts objets

ISTQB : Testeur Certifié niveau Fondation

1850 € HT
3 jours
ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board)