Test Automation for Mobile Apps using Appium
Prochaines sessions
1. Introduction to Mobile Automation Testing
- Test Automation on Mobile
- Benefits and limits of the automation of mobile tests
2. Introduction to Appium
- Advantages and limits of Appium
- How does Appium work?
3. Appium in practice – the conception and following of scripts
- Global overview of customer and Appium server
- Configuration with Eclipse and Katalon Studio
- Manual scripts
- Customed daily files
- Creation of test reports
4. Automation procedure
- Deployment of the target application and emulator / terminal
- Configuration of Appium services
- Creation of automation on an emulator / terminal prototype
5. Improve Scripts Quality
- “Web Element” / “Native Element” methods
- Creation of a target object map
- Modularization test
6. Appium – Juinit / TestNG / Maven / Jenkins
- Execute an Appium test script on multiple terminals and deborage
- Solve identified problems
- Implementation of an automated framework for the deployment on several terminals / emulators
- Continual integration with Appium
Practical exercises
This training consists of practical exercises to illustrate the subjects discussed and provides trainees with the
opportunity to learn through practice.